Sustainable DeRace Player Earning Mechanics: Sugar Cubes Part 1🍬

4 min readJun 1, 2022

No other rewards are sweeter than the ones in the DeRace metaverse!😋

The upcoming launch of the sustainable player earning model will unlock a variety of brand new game elements and features. Sugar Cubes (previously called Shards) will stand at the center of this brand new mechanism.

Why Sugar Cubes?

Easy! Real life horses love sugar cubes and DeRace NFT horses are not an exception to the rule!

Players will have a variety of ways to get their hands on tasty rewards through their in-game activity and use them to expand the gameplay possibilities.

What are the Sugar Cubes?

Sugar Cube is the fundamental in-game rewards’ unit which is easily exchangeable into the utility NFTs (such as NFT Chests and Keys of various tiers).

The main way to collect Sugar Cubes is by accomplishing daily, weekly and monthly missions and by unlocking the achievements: the more difficult the task is — the sweeter the reward!

For example, by completing daily tasks, players will be rewarded with a few pieces of Sugar Cubes. For reaching an important milestone in the horse’s achievements, such as running 15k furlongs, players can get rewarded with as much as a bag full of Sugar Cubes!

Basically, Sugar Cubes provide an additional way for players to be rewarded within the DeRace metaverse which does not necessarily focus on the performance of their NFT horses: as long as players remain active and involved in the game they can receive rewards.

Including Sugar Cubes into the upgraded player earning model allows all active players to be rewarded for their engagement and forms a closed loop economy which does not put additional strain on the $DERC token.

It also opens the doors for the well-established guilds to enter our metaverse which helps us to exponentially grow the playerbase.

How to acquire Sugar Cubes?

The main way to get the Sugar Cubes will be through in-game activity such as accomplishing missions or unlocking the achievements.

Missions are divided into daily, weekly and monthly tasks, and players can easily track which missions they have already accomplished and which ones are still in the progress. Naturally, the rewards for monthly missions will be higher than for daily missions as it will require a deeper immersion into the gameplay. Players will also get additional Sugar Cube rewards for completing all missions, so make sure not to skip them!

DeRace daily/weekly/monthly missions: work in progress

Another way to acquire Sugar Cubes is by burning the unwanted NFTs

Very soon players will be able to regulate the supply of the in-game utility NFTs themselves through the NFT burn mechanism.

This will make the DeRace NFTs deflationary and will provide another way for players to get directly involved in the ecosystem themselves. Since players fully own their NFTs, they can make a choice between using the utility NFT themselves, selling them to other players or burning and receiving Sugar Cubes for it. Every NFT has a different value and once the item is burned the exact amount of Sugar Cubes are credited into the player’s account to be used in the future.

Sugar Cubes will also be available on the dedicated Sugar Cube Marketplace where players will be able to acquire them exclusively for $DERC tokens

The Marketplace will be covered in more detail in Part 2 of this article.

Lastly, Sugar Cubes will become available as a reward for Spin-The-Wheel mini-game!

Generation 0 NFT horse owners and DeRace Jockey Club Elites will be able to receive Sugar Cubes just by trying their luck at the wheel for free. Even if a player doesn’t own NFT horses and are not involved in the game directly, they can still use the Sugar Cube Exchange to trade their rewards for utility NFTs such as Chests and Keys of various tiers. Players can unlock the Chests to get the equipment inside or trade the NFTs directly on the secondary marketplaces with others.

Stay tuned for the second installment on Sugar Cubes which will cover the Sugar Cube Marketplace, Exchange Mechanism and so much more! 🤩

About DeRace

DeRace is a play-to-earn NFT horse racing metaverse where you can participate in horse races, breed NFT horses with unique characteristics, host races in your own NFT hippodrome and earn rewards while doing it.

DeRace is electrifying the current NFT market by allowing players to fully interact with their DNA-enriched NFT horses and have full control of their own hippodromes.

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NFT horse racing metaverse based on blockchain and powered by $DERC ⚡️